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 Organizations / Canada / rtlToronto / 7726
    Re: What I'm going to bring to the zoo —Calum Tsang
   (...) Right. The only other stipulation I have is that it has to be free standing to some degree. I'll give some examples of ideas: a) a large walker (turtle etc) b) a pole climber (use the NELUG photos as a reference to the pole diam) c) LOR As (...) (22 years ago, 25-Jun-03, to
        Re: What I'm going to bring to the zoo —David Koudys
     (...) If there's either concrete/brick/ashpault sidewalks, I have the 8448 RC'd. I can bring that--it always seems to attract a bit of attention wherever it goes... LOR is inoperative due to LDCC and other things... I'm low on RCX's, though I could (...) (22 years ago, 25-Jun-03, to
         Re: What I'm going to bring to the zoo —Calum Tsang
     (...) I'm not sure what they'll have. but we have to be careful as to not have it go all over. ie, spinning around and out of control. (...) I can lend you a RCX... (...) No. a) we don't have space for the 4x4 arena, and b) to follow the conventions (...) (22 years ago, 25-Jun-03, to
         Re: What I'm going to bring to the zoo —Jeff Van Winden
     (...) Well then, since we ARE at the Zoo..... we could have a cage match! :) ;) Jeff VW (...) (22 years ago, 25-Jun-03, to
        Re: What I'm going to bring to the zoo —Wayne Young
   (...) Okay, if I ignore the line that says "This tour will support the launch of a new product line that features bright colours and interesting new pieces" and Calum's very suggestive pictures right above the rules, then yes I can see that you (...) (22 years ago, 25-Jun-03, to
        Re: What I'm going to bring to the zoo —Chris Magno
     (...) MMMMMmmmmmmm mmmmmmm ummmmmmm phmmmm mmmmuuuummmmm (i'm under a gag order) Chris :) (22 years ago, 25-Jun-03, to
        Re: What I'm going to bring to the zoo —Jeff Van Winden
     (...) Oh Hey look at that... Calum updated the web page (no insult ment by this, I just havn't looked at it for a few weeks) (URL) again Calum, Great sketches. You may want to change the NMRA location to the International center: (URL) VW However, (...) (22 years ago, 25-Jun-03, to
        Re: What I'm going to bring to the zoo —Calum Tsang
   (...) Wayne, no one is forcing you to build something. It's not a requirement to participate in this. rtl14 will be coming up shortly in September. Calum (22 years ago, 25-Jun-03, to

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