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 Organizations / Canada / rtlToronto / 7344
    Something I'm working on...PIC! —Gerard Steenbeek
   Since there is not too much happening on here tonight I figured I might as well give you guys something to look at, to get an idea of what I have been working on for a while now. (URL) colours are all wrong, it is not tall enough yet, and I need to (...) (22 years ago, 8-May-03, to
        Re: Something I'm working on...PIC! —Iain Hendry
   (...) Hmm... a mobile crane? :) Looks good. Someone showed me (can't remember who - Wayne?) a method for attaching pneumatic cylinders back to back like that, so that the cylinder bodies are rigid. You wouldn't need that pivoting standoff, so it (...) (22 years ago, 8-May-03, to
        Re: Something I'm working on...PIC! —Wayne Young
     (...) It couldn't have been me because I havent' done anything cool with pneumatics yet. I did see this from John Guerquin, though, so blame him. (22 years ago, 8-May-03, to
        Re: Something I'm working on...PIC! —Gerard Steenbeek
     (...) Actually, it serves another purpose, when the whole thing comes down, the cylinders sink away inbetween the frame and the standoff then keeps it up and away from other moving parts right below it. The stand off moves forward and pulls the (...) (22 years ago, 8-May-03, to
         Re: Something I'm working on...PIC! —Jeff Elliott
      (...) Hmmm. Paris Gun? Or maybe a Gerald Bull knockoff? Er, maybe a rice/block separator? I don't think it's a pipe racer. No, I still think it looks like a mobile crane. Jeff E (22 years ago, 8-May-03, to
         Re: Something I'm working on...PIC! —Iain Hendry
     "Jeff Elliott" <> wrote in message (...) ...with big tyres. bed. :) Iain (22 years ago, 8-May-03, to
         Re: Something I'm working on...PIC! —Gerard Steenbeek
     If it were a mobile crane it would be pretty stupid since it can`t rotate it's boom... ;) It will be a telehandler. New Holland/Manitou telehandler to be exact. The tires are a bit wide, but they can come with pretty big tires for rougher terrain. (...) (22 years ago, 9-May-03, to
        Re: Something I'm working on...PIC! —Ross Crawford
   (...) My guess would be a lighting or camera boom 8?) (...) Couple of ideas here (URL) (22 years ago, 8-May-03, to

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