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Re: Arena...
Mon, 21 Oct 2002 19:16:08 GMT
611 times
In, Calum Tsang writes:
In, Rob Stehlik writes:
Hi Dave,
I have an idea that would be a nice addition to the standard playing field.
What if there was a high contrast line placed about 15 cm (6 inches) within
the walls? This would allow robots to detect the line a back away from the
perimeter without having to bash into the walls. Of course it would be
optional for robots to navigate this way, since one could just as easily use
bumpers to detect the walls. It would be simple to add a line with tape, as
long as the colour is different from the floor. What does everyone think
about this? (I guess it would mean an update to the rules page...)

I don't mind, but Dave and Rob are building the arena, so it's up to them.
Someone let me know so I can update the page.


I'm buying wood this weekend--I have a *brilliant* plan to make the arena
totally portable ;)

Going over to my uncles little wood shop to assemble, and I prob'ly won't
paint it at all before the upcoming match--only have 2 weekends before said
match, so painting's prob'ly out.

Though if I were to paint it...

Walls = flat white
floor = flat grey
6 inch border = flat black
starting 18" x 18" squares = whatever -- mebee 1 red, 1 yellow, 1 blue, 1 green

Anyway, working on it this weekend...

Then building a kick heinie 'bot that will actually collect, stack, and
unload blocks--I've done it twice before, I can do it again--unlike anything
Chris or Bruce have done...

Dave K

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Arena...
(...) Dave, How can you go through life with no memory at all? At the most recent block stacking event I believe I won with a stack of 9 and I could have definitely gone to 13 but after seeing my 'competition' I told the robot that 9 would be more (...) (22 years ago, 21-Oct-02, to
  Re: Arena...
This brings to mind another question - how tall is the surrounding wall? Matthias Jetleb (22 years ago, 24-Oct-02, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Arena...
(...) I don't mind, but Dave and Rob are building the arena, so it's up to them. Someone let me know so I can update the page. Calum (22 years ago, 21-Oct-02, to

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