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 Organizations / Canada / rtlToronto / 2487
2486  |  2488
Re: Any HP sets in Canada?
Sat, 6 Oct 2001 14:07:15 GMT
28 times
I found the HP Sorting Hat set (4701) at Wal-Mart in Square 1, They also had
the Manas (8539 attn Chris Magno) they were selling for 88.89.
"Tim Tosino" <> wrote in message
From Edmonton, TRU had nothing yesterday, Walmart in Sherwood Park has
Hogwarts, but nothing else yet.  Can't talk, building. :)


I went into TRU Metrotown on Tuesday and bought one of the Alley Magic • Shops
sets, they had pretty much everything even one box of the large castle and
Hogwart's Express but I couldn't find the class room set (maybe some TRU
employee saw they were all the same size and colour, thought they were the
same set and stopped putting tmhe out). I'm glad the train is only 69.99
meaning it's $5 cheaper than $49.99 American. At least TRU had 6 or 7 • boxes
of them. I might take a trip down to Wal-Mart over my lunch break and see • if
thier selection varies.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Any HP sets in Canada?
(...) I went into TRU Metrotown on Tuesday and bought one of the Alley Magic Shops sets, they had pretty much everything even one box of the large castle and Hogwart's Express but I couldn't find the class room set (maybe some TRU employee saw they (...) (23 years ago, 3-Oct-01, to lugnet.harrypotter,

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