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 Organizations / Canada / rtlToronto / 17416
    Re: rtlToronto 22 rules have been posted —Chris Magno
   (...) I like the new web sight. I think a quick link to this post, or a re-wording of it would help people recall where and what rope we will be using: (URL) whats in a good name? I think in honor of Brian Davis(1), we should refer to "swinging." (...) (17 years ago, 15-Aug-07, to
        Re: rtlToronto 22 rules have been posted —C. L. GunningCook
     (...) Dont I always?? Wink. I have some that arent quite so "questionable" such as these nice kid friendly ones like... "Backyard Swing" "Swing, k'ching" "Porch Swing" "Do the Swing Thing" Oh, okay, I admit it, when I have to be kid friendly, I'm (...) (17 years ago, 15-Aug-07, to
         Re: rtlToronto 22 rules have been posted —Rob Antonishen
     (...) "doo-ah, doo-ah, doo-ah, doo-ah, doo-ah, doo-ah, doo-ah, doo-ah, doo-ah" -Rob A> (17 years ago, 15-Aug-07, to
         Re: rtlToronto 22 rules have been posted —Chris Magno
     (...) (Monty Python voice over) (URL) (17 years ago, 16-Aug-07, to
        Re: rtlToronto 22 rules have been posted —Wayne Young
   (...) I haven't added a name yet, it's hard to pick one. Just thought of "The Swing's The Thing" this evening; Google pulled up a lot of golf references, so it must be kid-safe, right? Cheers, Wayne. (17 years ago, 16-Aug-07, to

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