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Re: Human intervention
Wed, 26 Apr 2006 12:07:28 GMT
1261 times
In, Chris Magno wrote:
4. what if I built a clockwork spring powered robot. What if the spring
was so tough that only a human could "pull the pin" to start it. What if
I attached the spring trigger to a polarity switch, so that to START the
robot I would flick the polarity switch AND AT THE SAME TIME, move the
spring trigger that is attached to the polarity switch.

I dont know if this breaks the spirit of the game.... or is that
"pulling a hassenplug?"

I think in general your robot must be put in the starting position and then
started in place.  The starting procedure should be relatively instantaneous.
What you actually have to do to start your robot shouldn't matter.

For the tough of war game I was thinking maybe we should have a little slack in
the rope so any movement in someone's starting procedure won't get translated
down the rope to the other robot throwing it off.  Just like how in a sumo game
the robots are separated at the start.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Human intervention
(...) I agree with that. Pulling a pin is no different that pushing a button. Its not like the force you exert is being transferred to the rope pull...(I start my robot by throwing this 10 point weight on a rope, tied to the robot off the end of the (...) (19 years ago, 27-Apr-06, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Human intervention
Have we ever discussed "spirit of the game" rule definitions? At what point do we refer to a human action taking place over a robot action -- specifically referring to the STARTING of a robot at the beginning of a game. Example: 1. While sumo robot (...) (19 years ago, 25-Apr-06, to

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