Re: Human intervention
Tue, 25 Apr 2006 18:36:30 GMT
1341 times
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In, Chris Magno wrote:
> ...30 seconds into the game, Calum comes along and pushes
> his losing robot back into the ring. I say this is CLEARLY
> not allowed.
Is that because it was after 30 seconds, or because it was Calum? Just trying
to get clarification <grin>...
> so that to START the robot I would flick the polarity switch
> AND AT THE SAME TIME, move the spring trigger that is attached
> to the polarity switch.
Disclaimer: I'm not in on this event, but I thought I'd offer my worthless,
unsolicited opinion anyway. After all, my students aren't showing up for office
I'd say that's still OK... if everybody agrees it's OK. And, I'd say you'd
get a lot more credit if you can find a way around it. I entered a LEGO robot in
a minisumo (10x10 cm), and needed a way to start it with the "required" 5 second
delay, so I made a wind-up clockwirk to throw a polarity switch. It certainly
wasn't needed (another guy just ignored the 5 sec thingy and nobody cared), but
it got a lot more attention just for being an innovative solution.
> i sure do miss the block transfer ways of SHARING
> ideas then going back to this secrecy thing.
Zero-sum games turn men into beasts. Even Canadian men. Invent non-zero-sum
games! Join the positive-sum revolution!!
Brian Davis
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Human intervention
| Have we ever discussed "spirit of the game" rule definitions? At what point do we refer to a human action taking place over a robot action -- specifically referring to the STARTING of a robot at the beginning of a game. Example: 1. While sumo robot (...) (19 years ago, 25-Apr-06, to
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