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 Organizations / Canada / rtlToronto / 14973
14972  |  14974
Re: RCX expertise
Mon, 17 Oct 2005 19:42:05 GMT
1079 times
In, Steve Hassenplug wrote:


disclamer here: It's your RCX.

Oh I've blown up RCX's before--once when I (erronously) thought that the wall
wart that comes with the LEGO 9v train controller was actually putting out 9
volts and plugged that into a non-AC'd 1.5...

Yep, pretty much punched that one.

That is, until my good friend and fellow rtl'er, Matthias (who hasn't been to
diner in a long while, btw) took it home, removed a bit off the circuit board,
and gave it back to me in working condition.

He doesn't know if the piece he took off is a 'fuse' or something else, but when
removed, the RCX worked again, so I was a pretty happy guy.

From now on, I check the actual output on these wall warts...

or just get more 1.0's with the AC adaptor.

I'll let you know tonight what my findings are with regard to the motor-to-senor

I know that you guys were talking about it when you were buidling all your C$
'bots--bout I think Derek or somoene said the RCX sensor port can register the
difference between motor off and motor float and use that in a program as a way
of conveying info from one RCX to another--it gets rid of the IR communication

We shall see

Dave K

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: RCX expertise
(...) Just like with LDCC, polarity DOES matter. One thing I played around with before C$ was connecting two sensor ports together, and switching them between active & passive modes. That means to send messages back and forth, you only use two (...) (19 years ago, 17-Oct-05, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: RCX expertise
(...) If you can do it with LDCC, you can do it with the standard firmware. I have no idea what the readings would be. Try it. Steve disclamer here: It's your RCX. (19 years ago, 17-Oct-05, to

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