Train2 Dates and Shirt Progress, was Re: Robot 9 is booked
Fri, 22 Jun 2001 02:59:55 GMT
537 times
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In, Chris Magno writes:
> Monkey Builders, you have until Oct. 13, 2001
How about calling the new game Monkey Business? rtlToronto9: Buy the Bananas
in Bulk.
> the location will be the same L. Smith that we always use.
> AND, while you have your calendar out, look WAY into the future, cause
> I've penciled in Feb 2, 2002 as the
FYI, I called around and tentatively booked Lillian H Smith for August 11
for Train1. I'm trying to get Eatonville in Etobicoke-it's brand new and a
hell of a lot closer and easier to access (ie, not illegally parked on a
major street trying to unload modules on College) and has much cheaper
parking. (this ain't some girly robot event where people bring their stuff
in Tupperware :) So stay tuned. Should know by tomorrow.
And in more amusement I got started earnestly on the shirt. I scanned in a
24t gear (I don't have any precious Train at work, just useless stuff, like
Technic) on a 1200 dpi HP flatbed and traced it in Illustrator. Took me 40
minutes of using the Pen tool and getting the splines just right...anyways,
will continue with more bricks over the weekend...
Message has 2 Replies:
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Robot 9 is booked
| Well, it was a tentative date before, BUT now it is official. Today I took a longer lunch and went to the library and gave the nice lady money. Clear your calendar! Monkey Builders, you have until Oct. 13, 2001 to build a robot that will climb under (...) (24 years ago, 22-Jun-01, to
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