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 Organizations / Canada / rtlToronto / 13347
    Re: My first fully functioning GBC... —David Koudys
   (...) Thanks! I enjoyed it... (...) It's fine with 15 balls at once in the hopper. When it geta above that--to the brim, then sometimes it jams up (...) I'm not good with math, but the motor has an 8 tooth, and that goes to a 40 tooth--the pump is (...) (20 years ago, 15-Feb-05, to
        Re: My first fully functioning GBC... —Steve Hassenplug
   (...) I think motors run around 360 rpm or 6 rps / 5 = 1.2 rps = 1.2 bps (20 years ago, 15-Feb-05, to
        Re: My first fully functioning GBC... —David Koudys
   (...) Timed it--about 70 balls a minute, which is close to the math above... Also worked on the bin--doesn't get jammmed up nearly as frequently--works with 40-50 balls in the bin or 15 and under--sometimes, infrequently mind you, gets jammed with (...) (20 years ago, 16-Feb-05, to
        Re: My first fully functioning GBC... —Steve Hassenplug
   On Tue, February 15, 2005 8:19 pm, David Koudys said: (...) I haven't seen too many modules that dump in more than 15 balls at a time. So you should be fine. One cool thing about the GBC is that it's not like a robot competition, where the robot has (...) (20 years ago, 16-Feb-05, to

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