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 Organizations / Canada / rtlToronto / 12928
12927  |  12929
Re: Brick - plate plate - brick
Wed, 12 Jan 2005 22:46:19 GMT
1220 times
On Wed, 12 Jan 2005 22:11:55 GMT, Calum Tsang <> wrote:
In, Derek Raycraft wrote:
$629 Base price Canadian.  Keyboard&Mouse $78 Canadian.  Both the US and
Canadian Store where up and down Yesterday.  They seem to be stable now.

As much as I think the key/mouse set are pretty, the $78 is a rip off.  I think
I'll end up using the $18 Microsoft USB "desk set".

Agreed, it looks awesome.  I bet it's dead quiet too.

I don't think there's even a fan in there.

I'd like to get one for my parents.  The only thing stopping me is my
parents printer is a Parallel port printer.  I don't want to by them a
new printer.  This one works perfectly for them.

Its a last generation dot-matrix printer.  They don't use the printer
often enough for an ink jet.  That's the problem I had.  I had two of
them dry up on me and never work again, because I didn't use them often
enough.  The dot-matrix doesn't have that problem.

Well, you can defintely use a USB to parallel adapter cable.  If you can find one for cheap or free--I got one when I bought an Epson inkjet for the lab.   The Mac uses it transparently, so as long as there is a print driver for the printer, it should work.  I was really quite surprised how well that worked out for my sister's iBook and her cheap-o Brother laser printer.

Otherwise, there's always used HP Laserjets with a JetDirect onboard.


I've for a standalone DirectJet that I don't use now that my router
has a build in print server...

-Rob A.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Brick - plate plate - brick
(...) As much as I think the key/mouse set are pretty, the $78 is a rip off. I think I'll end up using the $18 Microsoft USB "desk set". (...) I don't think there's even a fan in there. (...) Well, you can defintely use a USB to parallel adapter (...) (20 years ago, 12-Jan-05, to

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