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 Organizations / Canada / rtlToronto / 10088
10087  |  10089
Mon, 15 Dec 2003 21:09:45 GMT
524 times
So I get home Friday night and watch WW 'til 4 a.m....

Have a snooze, wake up at noon, watch WW 'til 2 a.m. (with a few breaks
interspersed for LEGO, dinner, coffee with friends--not necessarily in that

Have another snooze, wake up at 11, watch WW til 10 p.m. (interspersed with
LEGO, dinner, coffee with friends, visit by mom--not necessarily in that order)

Boy do I know how to live!

Season 1--not my fav. by far, but few noteable things...

Thought I've seen every ep. but was wrong--the whole Leo/drug use (which was
referred to in many subsequent eps)--I missed the eps when Josh was
'investigated' for his improper investigation...  nice seeing Sam and Josh defy
LEO...  the kiss beween Sam and Leo's daughter--very nice.  Anytime someone like
that wants to spontaneously kiss me, I'm more than available (that's Leo's
daughter, not Sam...on the other hand, that Rob Lowe--he's a handsome man...)

Can't believe I missed the ep. where the MS was first disclosed to Leo.  Well,
now I've seen it and--wow!

More than that--I found Mandy's character somewhat whiny before--after watching
these eps, I realize that it's just the writing--Moria did the best she could.
Not really missed 'cause more screen time went to Donna Tella Moss after season
1 :)

Yeah, the women in WW are intelligent, humourous, and wonderfully articulate.
So glad they're not there just for 'eye-candy'.

Well, not done watching all eps yet, but proving my axiom once again--the worst
WW ep. is better than most anything else 'good' on television.

(though, to be said, I just placed my order for season 4 of B5 on DVD--jms...
nicely done!)

Dave K

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: 18+hrs...
Well, that's all 22 eps. done. Besides a finicky DVD player (thank goodness the DVD player in my laptop is newer and better) for eps 18-20, all was good. With that, I'm off to find a cupcake, and then to bed. Dave K (21 years ago, 16-Dec-03, to

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