In lugnet.loc.au, Peter White writes:
> > > I will co-ordinate it, but the fest will not be at the White House.
> > Mel Brown (+2) is going to be in Sydney for the Easter long-weekend (April
> > 12-15): maybe we could move the meeting back to the 14th or 15th,
> > We also need to start planning our revenge on the Bricktorians...
> The only trouble may be booking somewhere for a holiday weekend.
> So if people coming/wanting to come, can put their hands up and list their
> availability for the days,
> Sunday April 1
One Thumb
> Sunday April 8
No thumbs, (I'm on keywarden duty at college, although if _really_ necessary
I can call in a favour, but I'll need to know early)
> Saturday April 14
Two Thumbs, For me Saturdays are best.
> Sunday April 15
One Thumb
> Maybe we should use Anzac Day (Wed 25th) for some military training ?
I'm happy to have a Brikwars thingy at my place on that day if others want
to join in, I've plenty of room and there will be fewer students 'cause it's
in the holidays. Post here if there's any interest in a ANZAC brikwars...
James (who needs to finish LDrawing Thunderbird One so I can recycle the parts)
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: NEXT STUDS MEET?????
| (...) Two Creme Eggs from me for 14/4, although other days are okay too. (...) Excellent. Looks like an ideal opportunity to coordinate our firepower, develop the backstory, and work the Welshishish into a yellow plastic frenzy. --Dave (24 years ago, 2-Mar-01, to lugnet.loc.au, lugnet.org.au)
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: NEXT STUDS MEET?????
| (...) The only trouble may be booking somewhere for a holiday weekend. Plus we might lose some SLUGs and Studs off holidaying for the weekend, since we struggle to get a full house anyway with the members spread out as they are and a rotating (...) (24 years ago, 1-Mar-01, to lugnet.loc.au, lugnet.org.au)
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