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Re: Vector LOGO of your LUG?!
Wed, 15 Aug 2007 18:29:06 GMT
5163 times
Those containers in your picture were from a club “container exchange” where each club made multiple copies of containers with their logos and then exchanged them with other clubs.

You say you want to make stickers for a resonable price, who are you planning on selling these stickers too?

well a container exchange is a great idea indeed. At LEGOWorld there are mostly just a few countries (allthough it is the largest non-permanent LEGO Show in Europe) like FreeLUG, ITLug, BeLUG, 1000steine and of course LowLUG and the Bouwsteen (the two Dutch clubs). I think it would be nice to be able to include flags and trucks that bear the logo’s of fellow Lego enthausiast organisations. I already have the “Save 9V Trains” sticker, so we might be able to persuade uncle Kjeld by showing the international force of AFOL’s :)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Vector LOGO of your LUG?!
(...) Those containers in your picture were from a club "container exchange" where each club made multiple copies of containers with their logos and then exchanged them with other clubs. You say you want to make stickers for a resonable price, who (...) (17 years ago, 15-Aug-07, to, FTX)

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