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Vector LOGO of your LUG?!
Wed, 15 Aug 2007 08:07:27 GMT
3334 times
I work together with a printing bussiness to create LEGO sticker sheets for a
reasonable price. It would be great to have a stickersheet that has all major
LUG's logo's on it. It is quite a boring job to vectorize the logo's myself so
if possible I would appreciate people that have access to the vector logo of
their LUG and are willing to support the initiative, to send their logo. If I
get it done in time, it should be release next oktober (18-23) at LEGOWorld in
Zwolle, the Netherlands.

The idea is to add two stickers for lorries/containers (3 studs heigh, width 4-6
studs), and a small flag (clip on version flags, like in the McDonalds set and
the small pirate flags).

The Save 9V Trains initiative has already promised to send me a vector logo. For
the digitally illiterate, a vector logo is an eps, ai or svg file (or even a
pdf), it is resizable without losing quality (in contrast to bmp / png / gif

Thanks in advance!!!

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Vector LOGO of your LUG?!
I forgot my email address: johan_korten[-at-] Of course you need to substitute [-at-] with an @. (17 years ago, 15-Aug-07, to
  Re: Vector LOGO of your LUG?!
(...) Johan- I have helped create many LTC and LUG logos and have them in .eps format. If LTCs and LUGs whose logos I have give permission, I can send them to you easily. Perhaps if people would respond in this thread giving me permission to forward (...) (17 years ago, 15-Aug-07, to, FTX)

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