Re: Vector LOGO of your LUG?!
Wed, 15 Aug 2007 17:40:48 GMT
4517 times
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In, Johan Korten wrote:
In, John Neal wrote:
In, Johan Korten wrote:
I work together with a printing bussiness to create LEGO sticker sheets for
a reasonable price.
I have helped create many LTC and LUG logos and have them in .eps format.
If LTCs and LUGs whose logos I have give permission, I can send them to you
easily. Perhaps if people would respond in this thread giving me permission
to forward their particular logo, I would take care if it for them.
As a matter of curiosity, Johan, can you elaborate as to what kind of
stickers you are able to have produced?
Well, I can design almost anything, I want to make other AFOLs happy by
allowing them to create things like this: we (my cousin and I)
have a way of obtaining high quality vinyl stickers for a reasonable price,
but I need to deliver the designs in vector format, seems to be the only way
the printer can handle it.
Those containers in your picture were from a club container exchange where
each club made multiple copies of containers with their logos and then exchanged
them with other clubs.
You say you want to make stickers for a resonable price, who are you planning on
selling these stickers too?
Message has 1 Reply: | | Re: Vector LOGO of your LUG?!
| (...) well a container exchange is a great idea indeed. At LEGOWorld there are mostly just a few countries (allthough it is the largest non-permanent LEGO Show in Europe) like FreeLUG, ITLug, BeLUG, 1000steine and of course LowLUG and the Bouwsteen (...) (17 years ago, 15-Aug-07, to, FTX)
Message is in Reply To:
| | Re: Vector LOGO of your LUG?!
| (...) Well, I can design almost anything, I want to make other AFOL's happy by allowing them to create things like this: (URL) we (my cousin and I) have a way of obtaining high quality vinyl stickers for a reasonable price, but I need to deliver the (...) (17 years ago, 15-Aug-07, to, FTX)
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