Re: Try to think of the glass as half full. (was: Re: Indiana Jones extends his vacation)
Sun, 18 Jul 2004 23:04:43 GMT
1344 times
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In, Lindsay Frederick Braun wrote:
In, Bruce Schlickbernd wrote:
In, David Laswell wrote:
Youl have to scroll down a few articles, but its been
announced that Lucas gave a
thumbs down to the latest script, so Indiana Jones 4 wont come out for at
least two years now.
Ford will be eligible for Medicare before the darn thing comes out
(literally). They needed to make this a decade ago...
Indiana Jones and the Fountain of Youth. I mean, how perfect would *that*
Evil Zani Cultural Anthropologist Baron Bruz von Schlieckberndt: Herr Jones!
You shall nhot drink from this fountain! I vill plug you vith this cool-looking
Luger ihf you try!
Indiana Jones: sotto voce Zanis! I hate these guys. (aloud) And why not? I
found the map of Ponce de Leon, learned how to fold it to reveal the secret
message, hold it up to mirror but only on the Ides of March, and decipher the
alternating lines of ancient Arawak that give the clues to get past the
Deathtrap Equalizer maze, not to mention all that cereal I had to eat to get the
boxtops so that I could send to Frostbite Falls and get the Magic Arawak Decoder
Ring. All you did is follow in my wake.
Baron Bruz: You drank from the Holy Grail! You iz immortal already! You
Amerikaners are sooooooooooo greedy! All I vant iz a sip. Cmon - I have to
flush a kidney stone out and I hoff to drink a lot of vasser. Every little bit
Indiana Jones: This water belongs in a bottle in a museum!
Baron Bruz: I guess I vill chust haff to shoot you.
Sounds of conflict and mounting special effects budgets ensues...
Message has 2 Replies:  | | Heroes and anti-heroes
| (...) (snip) Well, if the action is to be set in the fifties, then why not have "People's Anthropological Kommissar Piotr Piotrovich Silvov" as the main villain, using a Tokarev to threaten our timeless hero? The Zanis just lost much of their "fear (...) (21 years ago, 19-Jul-04, to, FTX)
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