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Re: Brickshelf speed
Wed, 18 Dec 2002 04:49:42 GMT
46 times
In lugnet.general, Calum Tsang writes:
In lugnet.general, Nicole Drumm writes:
Besides working the business issues, I am also
working on some code that will allow controlling the QoS for
pages, thumbnails and full sized files independently.  This would allow
pages and thumbnails to load very quickly even if full sized files
were slow.

Not to sound stupid, but what's QoS? Quality of Service? Speed?

Quality of Service.  Not a stupid question at all.

Is that something that gets promised in the SLA?*   ;)

Allan B.

*Service Level Agreement - a term that gets bandied about in our offices...
especially when something's gone down and someone needs to point a finger.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Brickshelf speed
(...) Yes. But SLA's are rarely enforced because apparently dropping a screwdriver in a DMS battery frame is considered an act of god. Calum (formerly employed by Canada's largest backbone provider) (22 years ago, 18-Dec-02, to

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  Re: Brickshelf speed
(...) Quality of Service. Not a stupid question at all. Calum (22 years ago, 18-Dec-02, to lugnet.general)

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