Re: Javascript Popunder window
Wed, 17 Jul 2002 11:19:31 GMT
284 times
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I found out how to do it anyway muwhahah :-)
Surely a popunder window is neater than a big ugly banner add at the top of
the page?
Peter N
----- Original Message -----
From: "Matthew Miller" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 4:12 PM
Subject: Re: Javascript Popunder window
> Peter Newman <> wrote:
> > I wish to do a popunder window on my website but i dont know the code and
> > cant find any on the net, please help me!
> I wish you to *not* do that.
> --
> Matthew Miller <>
> Boston University Linux ------> <>
Message has 3 Replies:  | | Re: Javascript Popunder window
| (...) Totally not. A banner ad you can ignore or scroll past. A popunder window you have to actively close (while still ignoring the contents -- sorry, you can't force people to pay attention to things). Don't make me do crap work just for visiting (...) (23 years ago, 17-Jul-02, to
|  | | Re: Javascript Popunder window
| (...) In most cases no, it's way more annoying. In my particular case, I'll never know if it is or not because I use Popup Stopper from I would have seen your banner ad, but whatever is in your popup won't be seen by me. (23 years ago, 17-Jul-02, to
|  | | Re: Javascript Popunder window
| (...) Nope, it's much worse. And what's more, neither one is going to make you much money. The only form of online sponsorship that is at all lucrative (and even then, it isn't very lucrative usually) on the small scale is to join affiliate programs (...) (23 years ago, 17-Jul-02, to
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