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Re: New annoying pop-up ad
Mon, 24 Dec 2001 02:27:08 GMT
17 times
In, Kirby Warden writes:
Yesterday I checked out an Osprey report on MSNBC and was pommeled by a new
pop-up ad.

I had already read about half the article when the screen slowly "morphed"
into an ad... completely obscuring the browser so that I could not click
"stop" or "back" or even click off to the side of the ad to "push" it under
the browser.  I was forced to simply wait for the ad to "morph" back into
the article, thereby having control of my browser returned to me.

Has anyone else been plagued with this new style pop-up?

Nope...but I would like to see it. Can you supply a link? (I went to MSNBC
and searched "osprey", let a couple of stories sit in my browser for a
while, but nothing ever happened). I'm assuming this is just a Java applet,
but I would like to see the effect.

I have also recently been afflicted with an annoying presen-laden Grinch
that floats across the screen at various angles, eventually popping-up into
an ad that you can close.

Haven't seen this one either...geez...where are YOU hanging out on the Web?
Everything seems to happen to you!

The internet is simply becomming less fun with these new ads that you must

I agree with this to an extent. To me (like TV) there is still an aspect of
"we are providing such-and-such content to you, watch our darn ad!", but if
you are willing to sacrifice some of the pretty bells and whistles (Java,
Flash, etc.) you can usually circumvent these things.

I've been looking into some "ad-kill" programs.  I came across a
website that offers free downloads, apparently the programs even have
soundeffects so you can here the pop-ups exloding.  Any one ever download a
file such as that?  What was your experience with it?

Haven't seen a need to. E-mail Tim Courtney...he's got absolutley EVERYTHING
blocked on his system...multiple filtering utilities, spam blockers, all
kinds of stuff...NOTHING gets to his screen that he doesn't want to see.


(added .geek, 'cause it's a pretty geeky subject, left .debate in case
anyone wants to bemoan the commercialism and intrusiveness of the Web in

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  New annoying pop-up ad
Yesterday I checked out an Osprey report on MSNBC and was pommeled by a new pop-up ad. I had already read about half the article when the screen slowly "morphed" into an ad... completely obscuring the browser so that I could not click "stop" or (...) (23 years ago, 24-Dec-01, to

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