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Re: Posters! Was Re: FA: 6 Large spoked wheels
Fri, 21 Apr 2000 04:17:34 GMT
34 times
Kevin Salm wrote:

In, Maggie Cambron writes:
They're nice, Andreas but what about the posters you have up?  I missed your
answer about the story on them.  When were they issued?  In which countries
were they available? How did you end up with them?  Why would you part with
them?  Do you have any more?  You get the picture!  : )

Hey, you can't bid on those!  Todd Lehman is bidding on those.  Well, I guess
you can bid if you want to, but he has all of that Auczilla profit to spend and
can probably outbid every one of us if he wanted to.

Not to worry, they're a little too rich for my blood!  I was just hoping Andreas
would give more of a clue to the source in case I could find a way to snag some!

Maggie C.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Posters!
I (...) Andreas (...) some! These posters are VERY cool. I have seen 2 of these in the flesh, Conan has two of the 5, at least, maybe more, I forget. Needless to say, I am bidding on them, and needless to say, if you (whoever you might be) want them (...) (25 years ago, 23-Apr-00, to,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Posters! Was Re: FA: 6 Large spoked wheels
(...) note: this message also suitable for Hey, you can't bid on those! Todd Lehman is bidding on those. Well, I guess you can bid if you want to, but he has all of that Auczilla profit to spend and can probably outbid every one of us (...) (25 years ago, 20-Apr-00, to

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