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Re: Online eProxy services?
Mon, 27 Mar 2000 20:03:15 GMT
34 times
Gary Istok wrote:

Paul Baulch wrote:

Seriously though, taking advantage of greed and stupidity doesn't exactly
sound virtuous to me. But then I'm an Australian and therefore a
frothing-at-the-mouth left-wing radical socialist :-)

Paul, do I detect a slippery slope argument here (or is that a weak analogy)?
Just because you are Australian, doesn't mean that you are a leftist.  The two
can be mutually exclusive. Australians can't be leftists?  :)  Maybe, since they look at the world
upside-down, it's actually the right to them?  As it says on my Australia-centered
map, "Long live Australia--RULER of the UNIVERSE!"

You Australians have to stop having an inferiority complex.  Some of the best
on TV (the Science Fiction Channel) is now from Australia and New Zealand
("Zena", "Hercules" and above all "Farscape") and then there are those
interesting Australian "Travels with Alby Mangels" on the Travel Channel.

Yeah, but "Baywatch" has moved there, so the karmic balance has been maintained.
Don't forget, too, that the guy from Animal Planet (I think) is Australian..."If
'e gets 'is jaws on me, I'm a GONER!"

On the otherhand, LEGO is real expensive there, and LEGO Australia did destroy
those dumpsters full of old classic LEGO spare parts......  communists!    :-)

Gads...I'm still sobbing over this one.  :(




Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Online eProxy services?
(...) Paul, do I detect a slippery slope argument here (or is that a weak analogy)? Just because you are Australian, doesn't mean that you are a leftist. The two can be mutually exclusive. You Australians have to stop having an inferiority complex. (...) (25 years ago, 27-Mar-00, to lugnet.general)

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