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Re: My Starcruiser
Wed, 21 Jul 1999 21:56:54 GMT
814 times
Tom McDonald wrote:
In, Jeremy H. Sproat writes:
Alex wrote:
In, Tom McDonald writes:
Then could it be a freighter? All that space inside could be hauling • something
important like microtheta resonators, nanowave grenades or cold-cuts or
something. :-)
Nanowave Grenades!  I like it!
Isn't nanowave weapons technology banned by the Third Trans-Sapient
Convention of 12499?
No, that was the cold cuts. Nitrates, nitrites and other nitrogen-based oxygen
compounds used as food preservatives were widely banned by 12070, but it took
a few generations of holdouts (such as the Opoptians out on the eastern arm) a
few years to change their eating habits.

As I recall, the Opoptians changed their eating habits by succumbing to a
fatal dose of food poisoning from ingesting too many nitrogen-based oxygen
compounds.  The last Opoptian's last words were spoken in the Hyper-Mayo
clinic, and went something to the effect of "can you give me more spamcake

As they were technologically and infamously difficult to reproduce even on a
small scale, nanowave weapons were embraced by the DOP, who had all the
funding to build them, and as a result terrorists didn't stand a chance.

You've forgotten the whole nanowave rights issue.  The topic here isn't the
reproduction rate of nanowave weapons (though that's entertaining to watch
in and of itself, and paying to watch nanowave devices reproduce is still
legal in some portions of the Inner Upsilon Vector), but rather a third
party's production of such devices.  That, and the nanowave critters
basically got tired of people watching them reproduce, and told the entire
civilized galaxy to take a long quantum leap into a short black hole.

Will I have to report you to the Democratic Order Of
Yeah, would you? My anthropology grant is almost used up and right now I'm out
of communications' range..

Where in the galaxy would you be out of range...?  Oh fer crying out loud
Tom, you're not on *EARTH* again, are you?!?

- jsproat

Jeremy H. Sproat <>
Darth Maul Lives

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: My Starcruiser
(...) Hey Jeremy, how about rating my ship? (26 years ago, 21-Jul-99, to
  Re: My Starcruiser
(...) oxygen (...) took (...) arm) a (...) You did know that the DOP was implicated in that, didn't you? And it wasn't the Opoptians, you silly, it was the Yrmbul that went ape-poo over spamcake and croaked. That's what you get when you have a (...) (26 years ago, 21-Jul-99, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: My Starcruiser
(...) something (...) No, that was the cold cuts. Nitrates, nitrites and other nitrogen-based oxygen compounds used as food preservatives were widely banned by 12070, but it took a few generations of holdouts (such as the Opoptians out on the (...) (26 years ago, 21-Jul-99, to

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