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Re: Minifigs=Weebles?
Fri, 9 Jul 1999 06:09:52 GMT
302 times
Eric Kingsley wrote:


I was not able to view the picture you linked to but if the Weebles you are
talking about are what I think they are then no Minifigs=!Weebles.

I remember Weebles from my childhood as being Egg-shaped somewhat rotund
figures that when stood on end and bumped or pushed would rock back and forth
until eventually standing upright again.

Weebles have no connection to Lego at all and I personally never got the point
of Weebles?  Hence the reason I still build with my 20+ year old Lego and
havn't seen a Weeble in 20+ years :)

I still have my weebles.  :) but I would never use that word when referring to
lego.  Any kid from the 70's who had both would know that.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Minifigs=Weebles?
Greg, I was not able to view the picture you linked to but if the Weebles you are talking about are what I think they are then no Minifigs=!Weebles. I remember Weebles from my childhood as being Egg-shaped somewhat rotund figures that when stood on (...) (26 years ago, 8-Jul-99, to lugnet.general,

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