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 Off-Topic / Debate / 6981
    Re: Can Harry Browne do it? —James Powell
    (...) "And Who's going to be president, Tweedle Dumb or Tweedle Dumber..." (a free Lego piece to the first one to ID the singer :) I'm of the oppnion that you need a scorecard to tell just where the 2 of them stand as regards a issue...and it had (...) (24 years ago, 7-Nov-00, to
        Re: Can Harry Browne do it? —Christopher L. Weeks
     (...) But you only need one score card since they have all the same opinions. They both say things like "unlike my oponent, I want better schools through a system of increased accountability." It's actually a riot to listen to what phonies they both (...) (24 years ago, 7-Nov-00, to
         Re: Can Harry Browne do it? —Scott Arthur
     (...) One should remember that while policies may be the same, the manner in which those policies are reached may be different. Additionally, one should consider who each would react in unpredicted situations. Scott A (24 years ago, 7-Nov-00, to
         Re: Can Harry Browne do it? —Christopher L. Weeks
     (...) them (...) system (...) That _could_ be the case, but in this real case, it isn't. The differences between their policies are miniscule. (...) I think that your use of who is a fortuitous typo. I'm pretty sure you meant how. The reality is (...) (24 years ago, 7-Nov-00, to
         Re: Can Harry Browne do it? —Scott Arthur
      (...) I suppose you could. I also suppose you'd be correct to do so. Right now, this is because the US is going to look silly if the other guy does get it. However, I think staying Democrat will be better for America – even though Gore is a little (...) (24 years ago, 7-Nov-00, to
        Re: Can Harry Browne do it? —Kevin Bannister
   (...) Ani Difranco. :) (24 years ago, 7-Nov-00, to,

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