Re: 3. What exactly is bigotry? More definitions. Trolling admitted.
Fri, 10 Mar 2000 23:45:37 GMT
1926 times
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In, Larry Pieniazek writes:
> Sproaticus wrote:
> > Good point. What I *should* have said is that any kind of sexuality for
> > pleasure is irrational, having more to do with emotion and bias than anything
> > else. Not that there's anything inherently wrong with pleasure; it's just
> > that from a rationalist point of view, pleasure introduces some messy factors
> > into the equation
> Sexuality only, or are you saying that ANY activity carried out purely
> for pleasure is irrational.
Any activity done for pleasure is irrational.
Or is pleasure rational? I contend that it is not -- emotion and bias play too
big of a role for pleasure to be wrapped up in a tidy package. It's part of
the human condition.
Please note that I am not talking about sheer physical pleasure, as that is
simply the reaction of certain impulses racing along nerve pathways. Pleasure
as a whole is much more complicated than that.
That said, pick away. :-,
- jsproat
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