Re: Does God have a monopoly on gods?
Fri, 10 Mar 2000 16:54:19 GMT
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In, Peter Callaway writes:
> In, Bruce Schlickbernd writes:
> > In, Peter Callaway writes:
> > > In, Bruce Schlickbernd writes:
> > > > In, Jeremy H. Sproat writes:
> > > > > Bruce Schlickbernd wrote:
> > > > > > Hmmmm, interesting. I'm one who feels that Lucifer has no power (over
> > > > > > the living). None. Zip. Nada. All he can do is lie. Assuming there
> > > > > > is a devil.
> > > > >
> > > > > A lie spoken into the proper ears can destroy a world, ne?
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Absolutely! But only if acted upon.
> > > >
> > > > Bruce
> > >
> > > And if the lie is "There is no God....."?
> > >
> > >
> > > Pete Callaway
> >
> > I'm not sure of the relevance of your question.
> >
> > Bruce
> Well you stated that Lucifer (aka the Devil) has no power other than to lie.
> Let's assume for the argument's sake that there is a devil (to stop me getting
> in trouble from the people who don't believe there is). The lie is in fact his
> most powerful weapon. He spreads the lie around that there is no such thing as
> God, and does so in such a way that does not reveal his own existence (he is
> cunning, you've got to give him that).
Slow motion response. Sorry. An interesting scenario, but it doesn't seem to
conflict with my supposition: i.e. he has no power other than the lie. It's
not his most powerful weapon, it's his only weapon. Assuming of course, for
the sake of argument, that there is a Lucifer, and that he takes that course of
> The destruction brought about by this lie is when people act upon it. The
> action could be to actively seek to disprove the existence of God, or as
> simple as to do absolutely nothing, with the existence or non-existence of God
> having no effect whatsoever on your life. Whichever it is, in the context of
> the Bible it's destructive.
> I'm just throwing a hypothetical up for general debate. If the Devil exists,
> and spreads the lie that God doesn't exist, does this prove the non-existence
> of God, or prove that He is who He is because the Devil (through spreading his
> lies) is out to actively disprove His existence?
I'm not sure where you can go with this. Maybe, maybe not, flip a coin, don't.
I'm not saying you are wrong, or this couldn't be the case. I'm just not sure
how this relates, that's all. Perhaps I am mistaking your comment:
">>>And if the lie is "There is no God....."?"
as some kind of disagreement with my comments, and it is really an
amplification. Or, I could simply be dense. :-)
> Here's another interesting thought. Out of all the religions in the world,
> Christianity is one of the very very few (it may even be the only one) which
> non-Christians actively try to disprove. Why is this so? If non-Christians
> think it is such a waste of time why waste so much time trying to disprove it?
> Pete Callaway
It only stands to reason that non-Christians are the ones trying to disprove
Christianity. Go to India, I'm sure you will find non-Hindus trying to
disprove Hinduism. The more a religion tries to ingrain itself into the fabric
of any culture, the more the non-believers are going to fight that particular
religion. In the United States, that's Christianity. If Buddhists try to pass
a law in this country requiring public schools to chant Buddhist mantras in
class, just watch the non-Buddhists come out. I find myself in disagreement
with your basic premise above once you take it out of the ethno-centric
Message has 2 Replies:  | | Re: Does God have a monopoly on gods?
| (...) it? (...) fabric (...) Another very important aspect of this question is that Christianity is a rather peculiar religion when compared to other world religions in that it REQUIRES that it's followers evangelize their beliefs. There are very (...) (25 years ago, 10-Mar-00, to
|  | | Re: Does God have a monopoly on gods?
| (...) I wasn't actually disagreeing with your supposition, just saying that he does lie, and his lies are destructive (see below). (...) A couple of "non-Hindu's" were burnt alive by a group of Hindu's for doing that very thing last year. One of (...) (25 years ago, 13-Mar-00, to
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Does God have a monopoly on gods?
| (...) Well you stated that Lucifer (aka the Devil) has no power other than to lie. Let's assume for the argument's sake that there is a devil (to stop me getting in trouble from the people who don't believe there is). The lie is in fact his most (...) (25 years ago, 6-Mar-00, to
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