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 Off-Topic / Debate / 4736
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Re: Does God have a monopoly on gods?
Fri, 10 Mar 2000 16:54:19 GMT
1289 times
In, Peter Callaway writes:
In, Bruce Schlickbernd writes:
In, Peter Callaway writes:
In, Bruce Schlickbernd writes:
In, Jeremy H. Sproat writes:
Bruce Schlickbernd wrote:
Hmmmm, interesting.  I'm one who feels that Lucifer has no power (over
the living).  None.  Zip.  Nada.  All he can do is lie.  Assuming there
is a devil.

A lie spoken into the proper ears can destroy a world, ne?

Absolutely!  But only if acted upon.


And if the lie is "There is no God....."?

Pete Callaway

I'm not sure of the relevance of your question.


Well you stated that Lucifer (aka the Devil) has no power other than to lie.
Let's assume for the argument's sake that there is a devil (to stop me getting
in trouble from the people who don't believe there is). The lie is in fact his
most powerful weapon. He spreads the lie around that there is no such thing as
God, and does so in such a way that does not reveal his own existence (he is
cunning, you've got to give him that).

Slow motion response.  Sorry.  An interesting scenario, but it doesn't seem to
conflict with my supposition: i.e. he has no power other than the lie.  It's
not his most powerful weapon, it's his only weapon.  Assuming of course, for
the sake of argument, that there is a Lucifer, and that he takes that course of

The destruction brought about by this lie is when people act upon it. The
action could be to actively seek to disprove the existence of God, or as
simple as to do absolutely nothing, with the existence or non-existence of God
having no effect whatsoever on your life. Whichever it is, in the context of
the Bible it's destructive.

I'm just throwing a hypothetical up for general debate. If the Devil exists,
and spreads the lie that God doesn't exist, does this prove the non-existence
of God, or prove that He is who He is because the Devil (through spreading his
lies) is out to actively disprove His existence?

I'm not sure where you can go with this.  Maybe, maybe not, flip a coin, don't.
I'm not saying you are wrong, or this couldn't be the case.  I'm just not sure
how this relates, that's all.  Perhaps I am mistaking your comment:

">>>And if the lie is "There is no God....."?"

as some kind of disagreement with my comments, and it is really an
amplification.  Or, I could simply be dense. :-)

Here's another interesting thought. Out of all the religions in the world,
Christianity is one of the very very few (it may even be the only one) which
non-Christians actively try to disprove. Why is this so? If non-Christians
think it is such a waste of time why waste so much time trying to disprove it?

Pete Callaway

It only stands to reason that non-Christians are the ones trying to disprove
Christianity.  Go to India, I'm sure you will find non-Hindus trying to
disprove Hinduism.  The more a religion tries to ingrain itself into the fabric
of any culture, the more the non-believers are going to fight that particular
religion.  In the United States, that's Christianity.  If Buddhists try to pass
a law in this country requiring public schools to chant Buddhist mantras in
class, just watch the non-Buddhists come out.  I find myself in disagreement
with your basic premise above once you take it out of the ethno-centric


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Does God have a monopoly on gods?
(...) it? (...) fabric (...) Another very important aspect of this question is that Christianity is a rather peculiar religion when compared to other world religions in that it REQUIRES that it's followers evangelize their beliefs. There are very (...) (25 years ago, 10-Mar-00, to
  Re: Does God have a monopoly on gods?
(...) I wasn't actually disagreeing with your supposition, just saying that he does lie, and his lies are destructive (see below). (...) A couple of "non-Hindu's" were burnt alive by a group of Hindu's for doing that very thing last year. One of (...) (25 years ago, 13-Mar-00, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Does God have a monopoly on gods?
(...) Well you stated that Lucifer (aka the Devil) has no power other than to lie. Let's assume for the argument's sake that there is a devil (to stop me getting in trouble from the people who don't believe there is). The lie is in fact his most (...) (25 years ago, 6-Mar-00, to

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