Re: Does God have a monopoly on gods?
Thu, 9 Mar 2000 23:39:34 GMT
1677 times
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In, Erik Olson writes:
> It's gotten quiet here, and we're off the lugnet.homepage. I'm going to see if
> anything runs out of the bushes when I do this...
Are you lobbying to have this changed to
> All this splitting hairs & quoting Paul to rule on whether a sinner can be
> saved and get away with sinning.... I sure hope you religious people intend
> for your flocks to interpret this as having some relevance for what they do
> right now. Because I'll tell you this: NOT ONE OF YOU knows if you're saved.
How do you know that? Are you claiming omniscience? You *believe* no one
knows if they're saved with the same apparant fervor that many christians
*believe* they are saved. If you're going to tell the christians they don't
know better, don't fall into the same trap, or you look silly.
> I've been a camp counselor and seen kids without that great a father-son
> relationship trying to make up the deficiency with an imaginary God that
> doesn't talk back to them, and becoming more screwed up every day for trying.
Specific case examples are pretty much moot. I can come up with an example of
someone 'saved' by christian belief for every one you find thats 'damned' by
it. I can also come up with about 10, christians or otherwise, that aren't
significantly affected either way.
> The whole debate between 'unweaned' and 'wiser' Christians about what we get
> for our works of righteousness, is first about Original Sin. And it's never
> settled because happy people don't buy it. If you didn't consider every one
> guilty by nature, you might have been able to make some progress in bettering
> mankind.
Original sin, in most christian theology, doesn't mean we're all
guilty/flawed/evil, what have you. It's a simple statement, alegorical or
otherwise, that we all start imperfect.
> As it is, hordes of doubt-plagued Christians remain confused about their
> motivation for their daily acts. (Because they don't know who the supposed
> beneficiary of their actions is.) But two thousand years later Christians
> still go on and on about the inhumanity of Christian people to each other,
> how unfit our nations are because we make technological progress but can't
> pass the moral majority's bar exam. Christianity perpetuates ignorance about
> what the good life is, and raises its children up to be bigots, sloths,
> mindless drones and worse, which it is powerless to prevent except by making
> people feel *guilty* by threatening God's judgment. If someone seems to be
> leading a good life, you notify them that they're going to burn in hell if
> they don't make changes. This phenomenon is the first clue that the whole
> Judeo-Christian tradition is *part of the problem on Earth*. And there isn't
> anywhere else that matters.
Gosh, if I didn't think this was just a troll, I'd suspect you harbor some
bitterness about christians. And just a note - before you start broadbrushing
any single demography as bigoted, think for a sec about what you're doing.
Pot, kettle, black.
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Message has 2 Replies:  | | Re: Does God have a monopoly on gods?
| James Brown wrote in message ... (...) intend (...) do (...) saved. (...) don't (...) I think his point was relating to those Christians who believe that the saving is something for the afterlife. In that case, he's mostly right. Of course he's (...) (25 years ago, 10-Mar-00, to
|  | | Re: Does God have a monopoly on gods?
| (...) My meaning was that it's not knowledge, it's faith. You don't *know* your saved until you experience it. If you mean some psychological transformation, fine, but nobody knows anything about the afterlife. It's all hearsay. You have to take (...) (25 years ago, 10-Mar-00, to
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Does God have a monopoly on gods?
| It's gotten quiet here, and we're off the lugnet.homepage. I'm going to see if anything runs out of the bushes when I do this... All this splitting hairs & quoting Paul to rule on whether a sinner can be saved and get away with sinning.... I sure (...) (25 years ago, 9-Mar-00, to
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