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 Off-Topic / Debate / 4693
4692  |  4694
Re: Mormon bashing again
Wed, 8 Mar 2000 05:47:41 GMT
687 times
In, Jeremy H. Sproat writes:
That was probably a normal Sunday service.
  No, the leaders were ALL children, with only the one adult who was the
organizer-person of the whole thing.  They basically said that this was the day
that the kids had been preparing for for a while.  Maybe that's a little more
common in the Mormon church than say a Baptist church, but I got the feeling
that it was a "super" special day.

I've noticed that many other denominations invite only people from,
say, young adult ages and up to their services.
  I've yet to see any that don't allow children during the service.  A lot of
churches suggest that the children go to what usually amounts to a Jr-ized
version of church.  Most (AFAIK) don't mind if the kids stay if they want to.
Does anyone else know of non-Mormon Christian churches that disallow children
in the services?

Mormon moms with toddlers are famous for bringing little baggies
full of dry Cheerios for their young'uns.
  Actually it's funny that you mention that.  The guy that brought us was not a
regular church attender, but he'd been there enough to know.  He had a little
bag of Cheerios for himself! :)

our Sacrament meeting only takes about an hour; after that, the classes
  You probably know, and I failed to mention, that a lot of churches (I keep
wanting to say "Christian Churches", but I know better) have the classes before
the worship service.  When you add up everything, I only consider your church
as having one extra hour.

o the "triple" combination (Book of Mormon, Doctorine and Covenants, and
Pearl of Great Price)
  I started into the BOM last night and saw references to the D&C and wondered
what that stood for.  I figured that it was one of the other books that I've
heard of (but didn't know the names of).  One thing I was uneasy about is that
the book is written like the King James Bible.  I prefer a more readable NIV or
NRSV (or if I really want to just get the "story" part, the TEV) version, but I
guess that's just part of it.  Or is it?  Are there other translations, similar
to those that I just listed, of the Book of Mormon(1)?

Oh, and mine wasn't free, it was $0.50 at a used book store.  I should have
called for a free copy. :)

and then there are the InfoBase versions, all on one tidy CD-ROM.
  With all of those books, this is the route I'd have to go if I became a
Mormon.  I use for searching the
different translations of The Bible when online.  It seems to work pretty well
and has a nice, fast loading interface (and multiple language support if you
need it).  Do you know if there is an online version of the Mormon books?

Ben Roller

1. I assume that the little sections in the Book of Mormon, like "Leviticus" in
the Bible, are called books.  So how do you specify THE Book vs. the book that
comes after Fourth Nephi before Ether?

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Mormon bashing again
(...) Oh wow. I've never seen one. Sounds like fun. (...) Hmmm. The Catholic, Jewish, and non-denominational services where I grew up kept the kids at home. Maybe that was just a regional thing; it *was* a military base. (...) There are (...) (25 years ago, 8-Mar-00, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Mormon bashing again
(...) That was probably a normal Sunday service. The entire family is invited to the Sacrament meeting; I've noticed that many other denominations invite only people from, say, young adult ages and up to their services. (...) LOL -- What can I say? (...) (25 years ago, 8-Mar-00, to

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