Re: Mormon bashing again
Wed, 8 Mar 2000 02:24:33 GMT
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In, Ben Roller writes:
> We (myself, a class mate and a mormon friend of hers) had the pleasure of
> visiting during what I'd call "Children's Sunday" at my church. This was the
> perfect time to be there because the kids explained everything to me at
> their(my) level. :)
That was probably a normal Sunday service. The entire family is invited to
the Sacrament meeting; I've noticed that many other denominations invite
only people from, say, young adult ages and up to their services.
> Since
> we were one of each (I'm male) and not ready to go it alone (and not to
> mention hungry since we were used to being in church for ONE hour) we skipped
> out.
LOL -- What can I say? You should've eaten beforehand. :-, Mormon moms with
toddlers are famous for bringing little baggies full of dry Cheerios for their
I was quite surprised when I attended my uncle's Episcopalian service in that
the entire meeting (including hymns, sermon, sacrament, and prayer) lasted
just under an hour. However, as you pointed out, our Sacrament meeting only
takes about an hour; after that, the classes tend to be less sermon and more
> Thanks for suggesting a section of the BOM. I picked one up at a used-book
> store and didn't really know where to start. I've always wondered why they
> don't just make one big book with the Bible and the Book of Mormon all
> together. Or do they?
They do, but they're not free like the single books are, and they tend to be
treated as heirlooms. You can get all kinds of varieties, depening upon the
printer. The most common ones are:
o the "triple" combination (Book of Mormon, Doctorine and Covenants, and
Pearl of Great Price) which is usually bundled with another book containing
the Old and New Testaments of the King James Bible and an extremely
comprehensive index;
o and the more recent "quad" with all the above-mentioned books in one book,
usually in smaller print and thinner pages;
o and then there are the InfoBase versions, all on one tidy CD-ROM.
- jsproat
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: Mormon bashing again
| (...) No, the leaders were ALL children, with only the one adult who was the organizer-person of the whole thing. They basically said that this was the day that the kids had been preparing for for a while. Maybe that's a little more common in the (...) (25 years ago, 8-Mar-00, to
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Mormon bashing again
| (...) I had to visit 4 churches that weren't like mine (Protestant) for a religion class a couple of years back. By far the most interesting was the Greek Orthodox Church, but the Mormon church was the most welcoming. We (myself, a class mate and a (...) (25 years ago, 7-Mar-00, to
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