Re: Mormon bashing again
Tue, 7 Mar 2000 05:49:56 GMT
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In, Jeremy H. Sproat writes:
> > how do you suppose it would be received if I wanted to visit Mormon services
> I don't think you'd meet too much resistance.
I had to visit 4 churches that weren't like mine (Protestant) for a religion
class a couple of years back. By far the most interesting was the Greek
Orthodox Church, but the Mormon church was the most welcoming.
We (myself, a class mate and a mormon friend of hers) had the pleasure of
visiting during what I'd call "Children's Sunday" at my church. This was the
perfect time to be there because the kids explained everything to me at
their(my) level. :) The only "weird" thing I noticed was that they did a bread
and water thing instead of a bread and wine\juice thing that I was used to.
That was the first hour with the whole congregation. Then we moved into groups
separated by age, which is where I was most impressed. Basically the group, by
unanymous decision, put off whatever they had planned for the day and taught
the two of us about their church. We got a couple of "read the book" responses
when we asked really basic stuff, but that is to be expected.
That was the second hour. They then broke into groups based on gender. Since
we were one of each (I'm male) and not ready to go it alone (and not to
mention hungry since we were used to being in church for ONE hour) we skipped
Overall, I'd encourage anyone to attend a Mormon church (hit it when the kids
are leading for a lesson of the basics) and sit next to someone that will
explain everything to you. It's a very educational experience.
> I think the term "Latter-Day Saints" is more prevalent.
Where's this term come from?
Thanks for suggesting a section of the BOM. I picked one up at a used-book
store and didn't really know where to start. I've always wondered why they
don't just make one big book with the Bible and the Book of Mormon all
together. Or do they?
Ben Roller
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: Mormon bashing again
| (...) That was probably a normal Sunday service. The entire family is invited to the Sacrament meeting; I've noticed that many other denominations invite only people from, say, young adult ages and up to their services. (...) LOL -- What can I say? (...) (25 years ago, 8-Mar-00, to
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 | | Re: Mormon bashing again
| (...) Yes, we are instructed to exercise free agency. It is one of the greatest blessings, promised to all of us in the pre-existance, and given to us when Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit. (...) I see. You're setting up for a oft-debated (...) (25 years ago, 7-Mar-00, to
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