Re: Does God have a monopoly on gods?
Wed, 8 Mar 2000 01:21:51 GMT
1384 times
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Sproaticus wrote:
> In, Eugene Ipavec writes:
> > [snip Christianity discussion] And as for the other
> > sort-of major religions: the Mormons, the Baha'i, the Zoroaster-worshippers,
> > New Age fuzzy-thinkers--the Christians spend a good amount of time and effort
> > trying to debunk them.
> *sigh*
> No matter how much I try, there's always going to be someone who tells me I am
> not a Christian simply because I'm a Mormon. I know it doesn't mean a whole
> lot to mr. Ipavec, but it's fairly important to me.
Well, I do not know a lot about Mormonism (I have never studied too much
into different branches of Christianity, I think there is a book of
Mormons, isn't there?), so I am not a judge of whether you are a
Christian or not (God is), all I know if you believe that Jesus is the
Son of God, and He died to save your soul, that is pretty much it. It is
between you and God, not whether Mr. Ipavec, myself, or anyone else says
about it. I think that is the underlying truth of the matter, and
whether you are Catholic, Mormon (I keep on thinking I am spelling this
wrong! Am I?), Missionary (That's the specific name of my church, I
guess it would fall under Protestant), etc. doesn't really matter, as
long as you believe in Jesus. Brothers of the faith, and brothers of the
brick, I guess! :)
There will always be people, in every kind of political, religious, and
other spectrums that do stupid things, such as judge others in terms of
their specific religion, etc, but that is not what Jesus is about. That
is a really powerful message in the Promise Keepers ministry, and one I
think believers need to be aware of.
Scott S.
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Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Does God have a monopoly on gods?
| (...) *sigh* No matter how much I try, there's always going to be someone who tells me I am not a Christian simply because I'm a Mormon. I know it doesn't mean a whole lot to mr. Ipavec, but it's fairly important to me. Cheers, - jsproat (25 years ago, 8-Mar-00, to
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