Re: Does God have a monopoly on gods?
Sun, 5 Mar 2000 02:41:31 GMT
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In, Peter Callaway writes:
> God the Father is what Jesus called Him
If God is really a donkey, and Jesus had come to Earth and said, "Ok, now let's
say Our Donkey in Heaven" do you think that anyone would have taken him
seriously? In that society (and some would argue this society), being a woman
didn't mean as much as being a man. Jesus was trying to say that God was above
everything else and by calling God anything other than a man would be, to them,
calling God something lesser than the best thing around.
Jesus also said that the mustard seed is the smallest seed. It's not, but as
far as they knew it was. He didn't always tell the whole truth when it would
have taken away from the point of what he was saying.
Ben Roller
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Does God have a monopoly on gods?
| (...) This is true. God the Holy Spirit is not gender specific. But Greek and Hebrew original writings speak of God the Father and God the Son as well. You can't argue about God the Son - Jesus was a man. God the Father is what Jesus called Him, and (...) (25 years ago, 4-Mar-00, to
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