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 Off-Topic / Debate / 4398
4397  |  4399
Re: Mormon bashing again
Fri, 3 Mar 2000 16:57:45 GMT
857 times
Ah, after hearing the classic creation vs. evolution debate, I'd like to make
a few points, both scientific and religious:

Evolution, in the purest sense, does occur.  Life adapts to its surroundings
all the time.  I remember the example of a white moth that lives on beech
trees.  It blends in with the bark.  There was a fire (in England I believe)
that blackened the trunks of a large section of forest...and the moths became
black to hide themselves.

As for inter-species evolution, I haven't studied that enough.  But how do we
know that God didn't direct the creation of life on Earth via evolution?  The
Bible does say that man came after the other animals.

Another thing, to make my stance clear...I believe the "days" mentioned in the
creation account to be different than our current measurement of days.  If God
exists outside of our universe (or even our solar system), his measurement of
a day, if he even perceives time in that manner, could be just about
anything.  (The Bible does say that "a thousand years are but a day to the
Lord", but that could be literal or figurative.)  Maybe each creative day was
50 million years.

The way I figure it, if there is a God (and I firmly believe there is), and he
knows all there is to know about the workings of the universe, then maybe he
knows some way, whether related to Unified Field Theory, or even more complex,
that allows for direction of evolution.  =)  (Just finished Hawking's Brief
History of Time a couple weeks ago...I think after I go on my mission I may
become an astrophysics major...if I don't get my dream job as a Lego Master
Builder. =P)


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Mormon bashing again
(...) Many scientists have no problem with God achieving his goals through evolution. My mother was a physical anthropologist and firmly believed in God. However, others feel it is necessary to prove God exists, and evolution neither confirms or (...) (25 years ago, 3-Mar-00, to
  evolution (was Re: Mormon bashing again)
In, Aaron Hines writes: I remember the example of a white moth that lives on beech (...) I thought that was as a result of a coal-burning power plant opening in the area. And soot deposited on the trees. And for the record, (...) (25 years ago, 6-Mar-00, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Mormon bashing again
(...) AcK! I wasn't going to get into timestream cotemporality. But I see that apparently tomorrow night I will...;) Have we just changed history by having this conversation? I wanted to see that, but it went in and out of theatres so (...) (25 years ago, 3-Mar-00, to

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