Re: Mormon bashing again
Fri, 3 Mar 2000 06:54:53 GMT
469 times
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Frank Filz wrote:
> Larry Pieniazek wrote in message ...
> > In, Jeremy H. Sproat writes:
> > > Arg. I gotta vent.
> >
> > Do it here among friends. :-) That's what we're here for.
> >
> > I read your post but not all the replies. I'll try to be brief but know this, I
> > wish more christians were like you (and Frank).
> Although many would argue that I am not a Christian (including myself,
> though I acknowledge that I am a product of a Christian culture), but that
> may not have been what you were saying. I do consider myself very religious
> however, and am not an atheist.
It always confuses people when they ask what I "am" and I try to explain it,
because the above is almost exactly what I have to say (save the religious
part--ask me again when I'm over 30 and I'm sure I'll have that in there too).
Sometimes the reactions are interesting, however.
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Mormon bashing again
| Larry Pieniazek wrote in message ... (...) this, I (...) Although many would argue that I am not a Christian (including myself, though I acknowledge that I am a product of a Christian culture), but that may not have been what you were saying. I do (...) (25 years ago, 3-Mar-00, to
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