Re: Longest railroad (was Re: Longest train?
Sun, 26 Dec 1999 13:38:12 GMT
339 times
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On Sun, 26 Dec 1999 04:01:19 GMT, "Larry Pieniazek" <>
> Sheer poppycock. Please demonstrate to me how exactly the market has failed to
> provide infrastructure when allowed to do so. Be specific. Include underlying
> assumptions.
Have you seen the market produce a viable system of highways?
Of high-speed digital lines?
I rest my case.
> And the onus is on you to prove it hasn't, as I am not trying to convince you
> it has. I don't care if you agree with me or not, after all. I know I'm right,
You sure do.
> and you know it too.
Stop speaking for me. Presuming you know what I think is a bit much,
especially in the face of the evidence to the contrary.
> And it IS old ground that we've covered before, The fact
Actually, what I seem to remember is letting it go at the time it
first came up after a while, because I didn't feel up to any sort of
intelligent discussion at the time.
It is most emphatically not ground we've covered before. You've stated
your views on it, but I haven't responded yet.
> that you didn't get it last time is not my problem, nor is it my concern.
Now that is just nasty and beneath you.
> PS: Happy Winter Solstice.
Merry belated Hanukkah.
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: Longest railroad (was Re: Longest train?
| (...) Highways are the hardest. I'd be happy to see them privatized last, but they're no big deal, really. But you miss my point. Merely asserting that the market has failed to produce something doesn't meet my criterion, above, of demonstrating (...) (25 years ago, 26-Dec-99, to
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Longest railroad (was Re: Longest train?
| (...) Sheer poppycock. Please demonstrate to me how exactly the market has failed to provide infrastructure when allowed to do so. Be specific. Include underlying assumptions. And the onus is on you to prove it hasn't, as I am not trying to convince (...) (25 years ago, 26-Dec-99, to
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