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 Off-Topic / Debate / 24958
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Re: Santorum Fails In His Effort To Pervert The Constitution
Wed, 21 Jul 2004 23:12:46 GMT
2306 times
In, David Laswell wrote:
   In, Mike Petrucelli wrote:
   Incorrect, as some churches now support gay marraige, denying them the right to legally marry homosexuals is a violation of their religious freedom.

Noone is denying them the right to perform private religious ceremonies. They’re just being denied the right to enter into a legally binding social contract.

Ok. So if your not using religon what is your justification for disallowing them to enter into a contract. Seriously, you don’t see how this is a blatant case of religious discrimination?!

-Mike Petrucelli

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Santorum Fails In His Effort To Pervert The Constitution
(...) The fact that many states expressly forbid it. If it's illegal, it's illegal. Anyone who feels that it's unjust has the right to try to have the laws changed to make it legal, but until they's still illegal. I'm not sure exactly how (...) (21 years ago, 22-Jul-04, to, FTX)

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  Re: Santorum Fails In His Effort To Pervert The Constitution
(...) Noone is denying them the right to perform private religious ceremonies. They're just being denied the right to enter into a legally binding social contract. (21 years ago, 21-Jul-04, to, FTX)

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