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 Off-Topic / Debate / 24248
24247  |  24249
Hallowed be his name, part III
Tue, 8 Jun 2004 13:35:09 GMT
689 times
In, Dave Schuler wrote:
   In, Dave Schuler wrote:
   Particularly objectionable to Reagan’s sycophants was CBS’s choice not to include the scene in which the sacrosanct former President multiplied the loaves and fishes, nor the part in which he created the world in six days.

No doubt The Gipper’s apostles would have been just as outraged if CBS has produced an unflattering portrayal of Clinton...

Further efforts at deification are discussed here. Note that Souder isn’t trying to oust Washington or Lincoln but is instead hoping to replace The New Deal President with the very icon of corporate politics.

His corpse isn’t even cold yet, and already the opportunists are circling.

Other initiatives include an Amendment to the Constitution enshrining Reagan as The Greatest Human of All Time, the placing of statues in His image in every public building in the land, the recommisioning of every Naval vessel in the fleet as the USS Ronald Reagan, and the mandatory naming of every firstborn son.

Oddly enough, all the well-documented evidence of Reagan’s crimes and complicity in crimes during his time in Office has turned out not to exist after all. The whole Iran-Contra thing was dreamed up by the Clintons to distract media attention away from Whitewhater.


Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: Shallow be his name, part III
(...) I heard Bush intends to rename himself "(URL) Bonzo>". (...) Did Bonzo not prevent much of those files from being (URL) published>? Scott A (...) (21 years ago, 8-Jun-04, to, FTX)
  Re: Hallowed be his name, part III
(...) This is absolutely the most absurd statement I have ever read here on LUGNET! Your memory must be as bad as Ollie North's. I can still vividly remember the outrage that I felt watching North's congressional testimony about Iran/Contra. His (...) (21 years ago, 9-Jun-04, to
  Re: Hallowed be his name, part III
(...) Ronald Wilson Schuler has a nice ring to it... Chris (21 years ago, 9-Jun-04, to, FTX)

Message is in Reply To:
  Hallowed by his name, part II
(...) Further efforts at deification are discussed (URL) here.> Note that Souder isn't trying to oust Washington or Lincoln but is instead hoping to replace The New Deal President with the very icon of corporate politics. Dave! (21 years ago, 5-Dec-03, to, FTX)

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