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 Off-Topic / Debate / 18898
18897  |  18899
Re: Its about time someone put this concept in print.
Fri, 7 Feb 2003 20:48:14 GMT
222 times
In, Mike Petrucelli writes:
In, David Koudys writes:
In, Mike Petrucelli writes:
As of posting the article refers to the January 30th article. (It will • probably
get pushed to the "previous articles" section soon)

Aside from that the 'subject' says it all.

-Mike Petrucelli

Very well written article laying out the issues of military involvement.

But what it failed to cover was that Germany, b/w WW1 and WW2 was shunned by
the world--there was a depression, and the expression 'taking a wheelbarrow
load of money to the store to buy a loaf of bread' was the norm.

Actually it was the poor economic conditions that allowed Hittler to be
'elected' and then declare himself 'the leader.' Once he was in power it did
not matter what the people wanted as they were slaves to the dictator.  The
people of Iraq are already slaves to the dictator. What they want, they do not
voice for fear of public execution.  I can not understand why the public of the
"Western countries" does not understand that the people of Iraq and other
dictatorships have no power to do anything, regardless of what they want.  I
have said it before, I'll say it again; World peace will never exist so long as
dictators do. Only when the people of the countries are educated in the
concept of freedom; with all of the rights, privileges, and responsibilities
that go with freedom; can true peace ever be acheived. However we will never be
able to educate the people so long as the dictators cling to power.

My problem with the war on Iraq is that, by the example of Afganistan, Bush has
no intention of following through with the necessary resorces to make them a
productive and peaceful member of the global community.  As a result a new
dictator will fill the void and start the war all over again.

-Mike Petrucelli

Well you are right on that point, Iraq will continue to struggle after this war.

But come on, we can't compare Iraq and Germany.  In the 1930', Germany was
(and still is) already a powerfull industrial nation, one of the biggest in
Europe.  Iraq is starving to death, people are poor, industries are so far
behind in technology!  And furthermore, they have what?  6-7 Millions of
people?  Germany was always one of the biggest countries in Europe.

Iraq was armed by USA.  Not Germany.
Iraq's "tyran" was put there by the USA's administration, not Hitler.

And the allies didn't kill many German citizens in the second WW.  Well, not
as much as they will kill Iraqi citizen in the upcoming war, since US troops
will only go were the bombs have destroyed and kill everything first...
Like in 1992.

That's modern war.  War is always sad.  Especially since this one is pointless.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Its about time someone put this concept in print.
(...) Just for the record, it's more like 22 million. And the central government has a fair amount of cash from oil income. (...) We aided him once he was already there, and it was more a case of we were trying to annoy Iran rather than aid Saddam (...) (22 years ago, 7-Feb-03, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Its about time someone put this concept in print.
(...) probably (...) Actually it was the poor economic conditions that allowed Hittler to be 'elected' and then declare himself 'the leader.' Once he was in power it did not matter what the people wanted as they were slaves to the dictator. The (...) (22 years ago, 7-Feb-03, to

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