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 Off-Topic / Debate / 18728
18727  |  18729
Re: Pepsi, Coke or Mecca?
Sun, 12 Jan 2003 13:31:39 GMT
639 times
In, Fredrik Glöckner writes:
"Scott A" <> writes:

  The Scottish No 1 is a bright orange drink called "Irn Bru":

Hm, I can't recall seeing that one when I visited Edinburgh.  But then
again, I was more interested in the bitters and lagers during those
visits!  I did have a chance to taste some variants during a sort of
"open day" in the Caledonian brewery.  That was rather nice.

That's fighting talk! North of the border, we don't really drink the "bitter"
the southern softies drink [although I did have a pint of Tetley’s last night].
The equivalents are things like 70/- [pronounced 70 Shilling and aka "Special"]
80/- [aka "Heavy"] and, more recently, Deuchars IPA. IPA is what real men drink
[I'm rather biased on this issue].

Along the road [less than a mile] from the Caledonian brewery is a pub [bar]
called the Athletic Arms [it is know locally as "diggers" as it used to be
frequented by grave diggers from a nearby cemetery]. Did you make it there? If
not, try it next time:

I may even buy you a beer…;)

Scott A

BTW: Caledonian brewery has a webspace:


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Pepsi, Coke or Mecca?
(...) It seems I have forgotten the Scottish beer nomenclature... (...) Tee-hee. (...) This rings a bell... I certainly remember the Deuchars IPA. That was one of our favourites, and the number one item to bring home. (Due to tax regulations, (...) (22 years ago, 12-Jan-03, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Pepsi, Coke or Mecca?
(...) Hm, I can't recall seeing that one when I visited Edinburgh. But then again, I was more interested in the bitters and lagers during those visits! I did have a chance to taste some variants during a sort of "open day" in the Caledonian brewery. (...) (22 years ago, 12-Jan-03, to

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