Re: Vote against/for...
Sat, 9 Nov 2002 22:28:13 GMT
714 times
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In, Fiona Dickinson writes:
> > *You* could be in the majority too if you'd pull your head out and join the
> > Republican party to work for getting liberatarian agendas implemented, rather
> > than support the go-nowhere, impotent Losertarian party. You are not on a
> > mountaintop and your not with Thomas Jefferson. You are at the Jetson's home
> > and you are walking Astro: "Jane! Stop this crazy thing!
> Perhaps instead of spending so much money on fighting a war, the ruling
> party over there in the USA should spend some more money on education so
> that you could learn the difference between your and you're.
> Maybe if there wasn't so much pig headism in the world and maybe if everyone
> could just compromise there would be no need for a war.
> Just my tuppence.
Well, that's the problem now, isn't it? There *are* those in this world who
can't just live and let live. If we don't subscribe to their particular POV,
then we must be killed. There isn't much room for compromise there.
And BTW, those who nit by the byte will die by the byte-- take extra care in
*your* posts lest you receive a come-tuppence.
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 | | Re: Vote against/for...
| (...) Perhaps instead of spending so much money on fighting a war, the ruling party over there in the USA should spend some more money on education so that you could learn the difference between your and you're. Maybe if there wasn't so much pig (...) (22 years ago, 9-Nov-02, to
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