Re: One nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Thu, 27 Jun 2002 15:20:43 GMT
1543 times
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In, Dave Schuler writes:
> I'm sure your concern stems from the popular view that "Under God" is a
> not an endorsement of religion at all, but is rather a traditional
> invocation. With that in mind, I'm sure you'd have no trouble if The Pledge
> were changed to "One nation, hail Satan, with liberty and justice for all."
Love people who try to get their points across by jumping right to the end
of the slippery slope.
I don't believe in the 'popular view', as in 'its *just* a tradition so who
cares?' And this has nothing to do with separation of Church and State--I
don't have to go to church to believe there's a god. Forgetting for a
moment that I believe in God, though for me that's rather impossible, almost
everyone who just read this line knew that when I put the capital G on God,
that I was talking about the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of the
Israelites, the God of Christianity, the God of the American forefathers,
*my* God. Yes I know you will throw some stats out that some of the
forefathers didn't believe, or whatever. It doesn't matter. Yes there is a
separation of *Church* and State, as there should be. The state is suppose
to support *all* people, not just the ones who happen to go to a specific
church. That does not mean that we have to separate God from the
people--don't go separating God from the country.
Some Bible thumpers will say the removal of God from the country is the
reason that 'America is going to H-E-double hockey sticks in a handbasket.
I'm not that guy, either. It's a perposterous claim--one doesn't have to
look much further than the church to realize that we *all* have problems and
issues to sort out and that *no one's* perfect.
Everyone can believe what they, as individuals, want to believe. So you
don't believe in a creator--seriously, that's your own opinion--stop forcing
that opinion on me. The society, in general, as the fonding of the
*nation*, the people, however you want to say it, started out as a God
loving country. So stop trying to rewrite history, stop trying to say that
we have to go to the lowest common denominator that states 'oh we don't want
to offend *anybody* 'cause you're offending *me* when you do that. You
can't make all the individuals in society happy--it's impossible. So just
stop it. Do what's *right*, what's Just, what's good for *the people*. The
People believe in some god. So shaddap when you say they don't.
That said, I'm going to sing '..God keep our land, Glorious and Free...'
with a little more emphasis from now on, and I'll fight to keep that line in
there with everything I have.
> I agree with Richard--everybody loves me! Surely you must have read Suz's
> message about the new posting group LUGNET.WE-ALL-LOVE-DAVE.
> Dave!
Ah, Dave!, that new NG was for me. Sorry to burst your bubble like that but
I know that you value truth above all, so just letting you know.
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| (...) As of the last census, I was born and still live in the US of A, and I vote, work, and pay taxes here, so my discussions of "my" country tend generally to involve the US. In addition, your sesquipedalian label isn't entirely accurate, since I (...) (23 years ago, 27-Jun-02, to
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