Re: Pay per mile in UK?
Mon, 25 Feb 2002 17:31:42 GMT
186 times
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In, Scott Arthur writes:
> In, Ross Crawford writes:
> > Seem to recall some debate a while ago about privatising roads - here's a link
> > at The Observer:
> >
> >,6903,656107,00.html
> >
> > I wanna know how much it's gonna cost to make sure all vehicles have a "black
> > box", and how often they're gonna sample. There's an awful lot of vehicles in
> > UK...
> It is a LT proposal (10 years).
By that do you mean London Transport? 'cos it isn't actually one of ours. I
can explain the differences between Transport for London and London
Transport and Road User Charging and Congestion Charging if you'd like.
I expect that *if* it goes ahead, the
> technology (based on GPS) will be fitted to new cars. In 10 years, I expect
> GPS will be almost standard and cheap anyhow(?).
> Scott A
> >
No-one's going to force me to screw anything to the dash of my 1971 Vauxhall
Viscount, nor the 1948 Bentley MkVI I will eventually own. If they want to
pick up classics they'll have to come up with a unit that you can fit
without damaging a car.
On the whole though I think it's a good idea, as long as they do get rid of
road tax and petrol duty.
Message has 2 Replies:  | | Re: Pay per mile in UK?
| (...) I meant "Long Term". It is actually a "ET" (Edinburgh Transport) system. David Begg is (was?) an Edinburgh councillor (as well as being a transportation expert). (...) A satellite dish on the roof will do no damage to the dash! (...) Scott A (...) (23 years ago, 26-Feb-02, to
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Pay per mile in UK?
| (...) It is a LT proposal (10 years). I expect that *if* it goes ahead, the technology (based on GPS) will be fitted to new cars. In 10 years, I expect GPS will be almost standard and cheap anyhow(?). Scott A (...) (23 years ago, 25-Feb-02, to
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