In lugnet.off-topic.debate, Scott Arthur writes:
> > It may be an interesting exercise to propose a set that don't focus on
> > particular people.
> I agree. But am I being paranoid in thinking you are aiming these at a
> particular person?
Yes. These are all good rules as far as I am concerned. They're not aimed at
you, they're aimed at bad behaviours. Love the sinner, hate the sin.
But do go ahead and post some proposed rules too, you can direct them at
things you (and others) find annoying in others just as I did. If they're
good rules they can be adopted.
> *sigh* Try to be constructive.
Don't need to "try", because I *am* being constructive.
Message has 1 Reply:
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 | | Re: rules
| (...) Key word "basic". (...) There are more than one version of debating rules. I am sure ones could be made which would suit this forum better than those which you mention. Do you think otherwise? (...) Are there any others which you think won't (...) (23 years ago, 24-Oct-01, to lugnet.off-topic.debate)
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