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 Off-Topic / Debate / 12282
    Re: Cuba —James Powell
    in order to have a favorable opinion of (...) I'll add in here, that Libertopia is just as much of a separation from reality as a true communist nation. (hmm...and me in my Sun, Sea and Socalism t-shirt) :) I think that you need to see where the (...) (24 years ago, 28-Aug-01, to
        Re: Cuba —Larry Pieniazek
     (...) No. It doesn't claim to be a utopia and it doesn't claim to need ideal conditions in order to succeed and it doesn't depend on everyone being good, or being idealistic, or even having the same goals. Hope that helps. (24 years ago, 28-Aug-01, to
         Re: Cuba —Dave Schuler
     (...) Just a small quibble about that--if the Libertarian powers that be had wanted simply to establish a thought-model of a society in which Libertarian ideals had been fully realized it, and if they also meant no implication of "utopian" status (...) (24 years ago, 28-Aug-01, to
        Re: Cuba —Lindsay Frederick Braun
   (...) Wait, Sun Yat-Sen wasn't a communist! :) (...) Oops! The Potato Famine is a case of imperial exploitation, not a failure of capitalism. It's also 1840s to about 1852, not 1857. :) (...) The question is what the basis for redistribution must (...) (24 years ago, 28-Aug-01, to

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