Re: Handgun Death Rate
Tue, 17 Jul 2001 23:17:32 GMT
442 times
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Dave Schuler wrote:
> Why should a witness feel a need to stop a crime, thereby placing himself
> in harms' way for a stranger?
Being that CCW permits are next to impossible to get in most states, I wouldn't be
able to help. The intent to help would be there, but I'd have to stand by and
watch someone possibly die, thanks to the ridiculous laws we have.
> Long ago you indicated that you would not,
> for instance, offer up your bone marrow for me:
That doesn't apply to me - I applied. I'm also checking into the Living Donor
program for liver transplants.
Some people may get the feeling I'm a selfish bastard from some of my posts, but
that's far from the truth.
> presumably(!) because we aren't close friends, but are we somehow to hope
> that a stranger will risk not only his bone marrow but his life to intervene
> on behalf of some anonymous stranger? I know there are anecdotal examples
> of one person taking a bullet for another, but how often does this happen
> for a stranger,
Since CCW permits are so hard to get, not often ENOUGH.
> and can we really claim--based on such evidence--that
> prolific gun possession would create the utopia you suggest below?
I don't think so, based on human emotions, but I'd rather have the chance to defend
myself and others with a firearm than sit helpless.
> > If we all carried guns, crime would grind to a screaching halt.
> Would it? On what basis is this assertion made? Implicit is the claim
> that everyone would be equally willing to use a gun in defense of a
> stranger, and this is categorically not true.
In counties where CCW permits are relatively easy to get, violent crime drops.
Criminals have the sense to do their crimes elsewhere.
> > > need to understand that they are hiding behind the Constitution
> >
> > Wrong. I'm protecting the constitution from you. And I'll win or die.
> Well, ultimately you'll die in any case, and the Constitution will
> outlive you, me, Dan, Charlton, and the rest of us.
Not the way the gubmint is going, it won't.
| Tom Stangl, iPlanet Web Server Technical Support
| Netscape Communications Corp
| A division of AOL Time Warner
| iPlanet Support -
| Please do not associate my personal views with my employer
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: Handgun Death Rate
| (...) Because people are basically good, and want to help? That's why I would and have in the past. (...) Michigan just passed a relaxed CCW law. Now, the CCW boards have to approve anyone who passes a background check and pays the fee and complies (...) (24 years ago, 17-Jul-01, to
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Handgun Death Rate
| (...) Just out of curiosity, is there any basis for this assertion? Or real-world precedent, other than romanticized and falacious notions of the "Old West?" (...) Why should a witness feel a need to stop a crime, thereby placing himself in harms' (...) (24 years ago, 17-Jul-01, to
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