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 Off-Topic / Debate / 11740
11739  |  11741
Re: Handgun Death Rate
Tue, 17 Jul 2001 23:17:32 GMT
442 times
Dave Schuler wrote:

  Why should a witness feel a need to stop a crime, thereby placing himself
in harms' way for a stranger?

Being that CCW permits are next to impossible to get in most states, I wouldn't be
able to help.  The intent to help would be there, but I'd have to stand by and
watch someone possibly die, thanks to the ridiculous laws we have.

Long ago you indicated that you would not,
for instance, offer up your bone marrow for me:

That doesn't apply to me - I applied.  I'm also checking into the Living Donor
program for liver transplants.

Some people may get the feeling I'm a selfish bastard from some of my posts, but
that's far from the truth.

presumably(!) because we aren't close friends, but are we somehow to hope
that a stranger will risk not only his bone marrow but his life to intervene
on behalf of some anonymous stranger?  I know there are anecdotal examples
of one person taking a bullet for another, but how often does this happen
for a stranger,

Since CCW permits are so hard to get, not often ENOUGH.

and can we really claim--based on such evidence--that
prolific gun possession would create the utopia you suggest below?

I don't think so, based on human emotions, but I'd rather have the chance to defend
myself and others with a firearm than sit helpless.

If we all carried guns, crime would grind to a screaching halt.

  Would it?  On what basis is this assertion made?  Implicit is the claim
that everyone would be equally willing to use a gun in defense of a
stranger, and this is categorically not true.

In counties where CCW permits are relatively easy to get, violent crime drops.
Criminals have the sense to do their crimes elsewhere.

need to understand that they are hiding behind the Constitution

Wrong.  I'm protecting the constitution from you.  And I'll win or die.

   Well, ultimately you'll die in any case, and the Constitution will
outlive you, me, Dan, Charlton, and the rest of us.

Not the way the gubmint is going, it won't.

| Tom Stangl, iPlanet Web Server Technical Support
|   Netscape Communications Corp
|     A division of AOL Time Warner
|   iPlanet Support -
| Please do not associate my personal views with my employer

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Handgun Death Rate
(...) Because people are basically good, and want to help? That's why I would and have in the past. (...) Michigan just passed a relaxed CCW law. Now, the CCW boards have to approve anyone who passes a background check and pays the fee and complies (...) (24 years ago, 17-Jul-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Handgun Death Rate
(...) Just out of curiosity, is there any basis for this assertion? Or real-world precedent, other than romanticized and falacious notions of the "Old West?" (...) Why should a witness feel a need to stop a crime, thereby placing himself in harms' (...) (24 years ago, 17-Jul-01, to

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