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 Off-Topic / Debate / 10932
10931  |  10933
Re: Libertarian SPAM (Propaganda)
Fri, 15 Jun 2001 19:34:42 GMT
1273 times
Dave Schuler wrote:

In, Larry Pieniazek writes:

You haven't seen a demonstration of how this is detrimental?!?  Did you miss
the reasons for the civil rights movement?  Ensuing riots in reaction to
racism?  I pointed out earlier that you get that kind of thing from
disenfranchisement of vast segments from society.  You get it even now -
make the forces against it weaker and you'll get it more.  Idunno - I find
that terribly detrimental.

Oh, me too. I just don't see it as following from allowing (not requiring)
businesses (with no barriers to entry) to choose who to serve. Jim Crow laws
REQUIRED businesses to discriminate.

  But it's not simply of matter of whether or not a restaurant will choose
to serve "coloreds:"  Businesses will be able to choose whether or not to
hire people on basis of any bigoted notion they can think of.
  Further, because it can be quite persuasively argued that Libertarian
privatization of schooling will quickly guarantee serfdom for the poor (many
of whom are and will continue to be non-white-males) since their families
will have been unable to afford to educate them at or even transport them to
good schools, it can be concluded that these marginalized individuals will
be likewise guaranteed not to get good jobs.  I'm not arguing for
quotas--I'm saying that, without the protection of Federal
anti-discrimination laws, corporations will be free to hire along racist or
gender-based lines. Further, since Libertarians here have argued that it's
in the "best interests" of a company to hire the best candidate regardless
of ethnicity, it must be pointed out that the cycle of poverty--bad
schooling--low paying job--poverty--bad schooling--low paying job will
continue, and no one has presented a viable Libertarian solution to the
cycle.  Therefore, if corporations can discriminate at will, nominally in
the "best interests" of the company, then such discrimination will
perpetuate poverty, bad schooling, and a future generation of people who
aren't hired because of the company's "best interests."

This is ploughed ground, but I'll revisit it. First, I think there would
be a good amount of support for schools for the underpriviledged. In
fact, in a free market, companies ought to want to support schools for
all. Why? The more educated your populace is, the larger and more
productive your market. Heck, ultimately these reasons are probably the
ONLY reasons we have the public school system we have now. One thing
I've given some consideration to is that to some extent, much more so
than most other nations in the world, the socio-policitical economic
system we have in this country was influenced by free market forces -
that isn't 100% true because certainly the "founding fathers" shaped the
country to some extent to meet their needs, and at least early on, a
significant portion of the investment in the country was foreign, or at
least developed under a less free market.

Frank Filz

Work: (business only please)

Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: Libertarian SPAM (Propaganda)
(...) That's not a bad assessment, but I think it applies more at the national level than at the level of any sub-national business or industry. Ploughed ground, to be sure, but to date the Libertopian argument hasn't been convincingly put forth. (...) (24 years ago, 15-Jun-01, to
  Re: Libertarian SPAM (Propaganda)
<snip> (...) Nitpicking here - that's not true. The public school system and the requirement to attend it were formed in the late 19th century. The general public wanted kids out of the cheap working force, because they were depressing wages for (...) (24 years ago, 15-Jun-01, to
  Re: Libertarian SPAM (Propaganda)
(...) This is one of my problems with the Libertarian Party. All that sounded good on paper. I like theory. Unfortunately, it's doubtful that it will happen in reality. Businesses are all too often focused on the *now*, the next quarter, (...) (24 years ago, 15-Jun-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Libertarian SPAM (Propaganda)
(...) But it's not simply of matter of whether or not a restaurant will choose to serve "coloreds:" Businesses will be able to choose whether or not to hire people on basis of any bigoted notion they can think of. Further, because it can be quite (...) (24 years ago, 15-Jun-01, to

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