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 Off-Topic / Debate / 10941
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Re: Libertarian SPAM (Propaganda)
Fri, 15 Jun 2001 20:39:17 GMT
1290 times
In, Frank Filz writes:

This is ploughed ground, but I'll revisit it. First, I think there would
be a good amount of support for schools for the underpriviledged. In
fact, in a free market, companies ought to want to support schools for
all. Why? The more educated your populace is, the larger and more
productive your market.

This is one of my problems with the Libertarian Party.  All that sounded
good on paper.  I like theory.  Unfortunately, it's doubtful that it
will happen in reality.  Businesses are all too often focused on the *now*,
the next quarter, maybe the fiscal year.

Why throw over what is there on what amounts to idle speculation?  *Maybe*
they would.  It would be in their long term interests.  Do businesses act in
a wise and beneficent manner in relation to their own long term
self-interests?  Not generally - they usually have to be dragged into it
kicking and screaming.  More likely would be scenario where businesses
either started dodging payments to the school pool to get an advantage
(leading to the collapse of the whole system), let other businesses take the
entirety of the schooling expense while they hired away the trained people
with the money they saved (leading to the collapse of the whole system), or
indentured servitude (which disappeared for the very good reason that
sometimes it was better to be a straightforward slave).


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Libertarian SPAM (Propaganda)
(...) This is ploughed ground, but I'll revisit it. First, I think there would be a good amount of support for schools for the underpriviledged. In fact, in a free market, companies ought to want to support schools for all. Why? The more educated (...) (24 years ago, 15-Jun-01, to

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