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    Mega Bloks - ugh —Bryan Wong
   Hi, I was just at TRU today and I looked at the Mega Bloks area (by accident, really!). They have a new 1700-piece set that builds an aircraft carrier! It's selling for $79.99 CDN and when built, the model is over 3 feet long. Also includes 7 (8?) (...) (25 years ago, 31-Aug-00, to
        Re: Mega Bloks - ugh —Chris Gray
   (...) See: (URL) piece counts, pictures, etc. (25 years ago, 1-Sep-00, to
        Re: Mega Bloks - ugh —Ran Talbott
   In, Chris Gray writes: Corrected URL: (URL) left out the "cg/"). Some really impressive stuff there, Chris! I think your 7-foot skyscraper kinda answers my question about structural strength ;-) I've also thought it (...) (25 years ago, 5-Sep-00, to
        Re: Mega Bloks - ugh —Chris Gray
   (...) Oops. Thanks for the correction. (...) No problems with strength. If my ceiling had been higher I could have gone another couple of feet with the bricks available. My guess is that that basic design is mostly limited in height by its stability (...) (25 years ago, 6-Sep-00, to
        Re: Mega Bloks - ugh —Ran Talbott
   (...) I went ahead and picked up a MB battleship set for experimenting. The MB grey is quite noticeably lighter than Lego grey. And it looks like it will give just the "natural stone variation" effect I was hoping for. (Which is also to say that, if (...) (25 years ago, 6-Sep-00, to

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