| | Re: Posting for others. Now this is a good one.
No need. But thanks. Nope, I was PBM on the old Bricklink. I am no more. I sell product off that system now! Much easier, and no hassles from the MODs or anyone else. They seem to like to confuse me with other stores! Happens all the time. They do (...) (15 years ago, 15-Mar-10, to lugnet.off-topic.debate, FTX)
| | Testing recent setup. Ignore.
Obviously. (15 years ago, 12-Mar-10, to lugnet.off-topic.test)
| | Re: number notation in official parts
(...) Thanks for the info. I've always used perl scripts to convert oddly formatted data to a consistent format and then read it like that. Nice to know I don't always have to. If it could only read some of the more bizarre Fortran formats I'd never (...) (15 years ago, 12-Mar-10, to lugnet.cad.dev, lugnet.off-topic.geek)
| | Re: Posting for others. Now this is a good one.
(...) I am afraid that almost no one from BrickLink reads these forums, especially the off-topic.debate portion of this site, so if you get little or no responses, it probably is because no one has read it. This also applies to any other posts you (...) (15 years ago, 26-Feb-10, to lugnet.off-topic.debate, FTX)
| | Posting for others. Now this is a good one.
(URL) since the forums like to put in their 2 cents, and I am 'easy to set off' here is one for you. I am going to advertise for yet another store. Now I have gone and done it. Please mention Dan in the sales section when you purchase from this (...) (15 years ago, 26-Feb-10, to lugnet.off-topic.debate)